Technical Links and InformationOur quotes refer to "trouble-free files". Read about them here. If you'd like to send in PDF files (that's great!), there are a couple of very important factors that will affect how smoothly your job goes, and therefore how it looks and how fast you get it. First, all fonts should be embedded. If you are using Acrobat Distiller, then use the Distiller joboptions files listed below, and that should take care of it. If you are exporting PDF files directly from your working application then select "embed all fonts" in the configuration dialog. Secondly, if your PDF file is for black text, set up your Print options to print out as black and white, not color. In making the PDF file, be careful to maintain the quality of any images in your book. Don't downsample lower than 300 dpi or compress to a level worse than high quality. Unless you have file size limitations, I would avoid compression altogether just to be sure. Getting 300 DPI images out of Word. visit here. Exporting PDFs from InDesign. For information and configuration files, PDFs in OSX. The OSX operating system for Mac freely uses and generates PDF files. Be careful when you use an early version of OSX to make a PDF file for printing purposes if it has images in it. The earlier versions of OSX make screen-optimized PDFs which lower the resolution of images too much for good printing. Bleeds, Safe Zone, Spreads, Spines, Centering on a Hard Cover, Printer marks. visit here. Image Issues, Screen Values. visit here Trouble-Free Files. visit here. CMYK vs RGB colors, and color conversion. Visit here. Color Match Proofs and Matching Colors. Visit here.
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Signature Book Printing, Inc. Updated
06/06/21 11:32