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Book Printing for
Self Publishers







book printer






Signature Book Printing is a quality book manufacturer of national scope.  We have been printing books since 1986. Throughout these years, we have concentrated on three things: smooth easy customer service, excellent quality, and best value for your money. Our customers praise us for all three.

As you travel along your road of self publishing, there are two basic paths to choose from, a solid, economical, professional book manufacturer with the resources and commitment to help you (of course I mean us), or a vanity-type publisher who charges up-front fees for services you don't need or takes an ownership interest in your work, and delivers a small number of books.

We manufacture your books.  Along the way, we can help you with ISBN numbers and bar codesLibrary of Congress and copyright registration, and perhaps most importantly, we can help you with your book files. 

We manufacture books of all types; we print black & white and full color books with soft covers or hard covers, in quantities of 300  and up (500 and up for soft cover black and white). 

For the best quality and pricing, we also offer book printing in Hong Kong as well as here in the US. That way, we can provide the best pricing for your particular combination of specifications and quantity. No matter which plant is used, we are here to help throughout the whole process, we handle all the proofing and file processing, and we are fully responsible for the quality of your books and the schedule for production.

This web site has a lot of information for you, and I invite you to explore it.

We'll be happy to prepare a quote for you.  Use our simple form to give us the specifications, or call at 301-258-8353  or e-mail at  book@sbpbooks.com.

book printing | book printer

- ver  © 1997 - 2015  Signature Book Printing, Inc.           Updated 06/06/21 11:36
book@sbpbooks.com   301-258-8353


Self Publisher Book Printer, Self Publisher Book Printing, Self Publish color book, Self Publish hard cover book, Self Publish childrens book, self publish hard cover book, publish my own book, publish my own color book, publish my own hard cover book, publish book myself,