From the Book --
This book is based on
a true story about a boy nicknamed Flat Head, who along with eight other
siblings, was born into poverty. His mother Simo showered them with love
and he never realized that they were poor. He grew up having fun. He
went through school having lots more fun, and neglected to focus on his
schoolwork. He, after his time had expired at school, became an outlaw
in order to survive. Then he became a policeman and did an honest job.
He touched many lives. In the end, many of the society’s powerless were
empowered through him. Most names in this book are fictional except in
cases when they had to be mentioned in order to make the history
accurate. Come with me and thumb through the pages of yesterday. This
book is guaranteed to bring you at least one good laugh.
Review of the Book --
" This first book by Chen Chin records things seen, heard and felt
deeply. There is pain in several chapters, certainly; but this is noted
simply and humbly rather than screamed. This book captures interior
landscapes in near silence and with that quiet voice the work speaks
volumes for one who underwent the runnings. This is essentially private
recollections with the voice of the calm reporter exercising a feel for
strong rural life. There are flashes of political energy but Chin speaks
as a man moving from rural to town to other cities of the world,
ordering his experiences and is not afraid to be specific and personal."
Humroy Whyte, Journalist.
Thanks again for "The Adventures of Flat Head" I am still enjoying
reading it. It takes me way, way back, as far back as I can remember as
a child and I am having a lot of chuckles as I read. I am taking it very
slowly so I can digest it real good. JR has not gotten to it yet, but he
is waiting patiently for his read.
One impressed reader.
Hi CC: I finished reading the book and before I did my daughter heard
about it and wanted a copy for her son. I gave her mine. I think most
Jamaican kids need to read it just to see where we are coming from. A
lot of them would never know. I have spoken with Dr. Sangster and he
will be collecting the book in due course. I hope the cops mentioned
won’t mind the exposure, although I see where you sometimes use aliases.
Best of luck with the book....
Ken J
I thoroughly enjoyed reading the book. I had a lot of laughs especially
the when the author got a beating in Mobay before all and sundry. I did
find one or two spelling/punctuation "typo" errors but they fade away in
comparison to the pleasure of reading the book. I plan to read it again
from cover to cover with Noel when he comes up next week.
IT WAS DELIGHTFUL! You did a fantastic job. I feel like I've taken a
journey back in time to the 'true' Jamaica. No sugar coating, but the
real 'dusty' truth. God has truly blessed you to be able to look at life
in such a positive light and then to be able to relate it in this book
for all to enjoy! (But, you didn't tell what happened to FLAT HEAD!)
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